
Journal publications

Hissette J (1930) Rapport annuel (1929) sur le service médical de la Mission de Thielen-Saint-Jacques par le Docteur Jean Hissette, Chef de service. Bulletin de l’Aide Médicale aux Mission 2: 10-11, 33-340

Hissette J (1930) Affections oculaires dans la trypanosomiase. Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 10: 423-428

Hissette J (1931) Sur l’existence d’affections oculaires importantes d’origine filarienne dans certains territoires du Congo. Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 11: 45-46

Hissette J (1932) Mémoire sur l’Onchocerca volvulus « Leuckart »  et ses manifestations oculaires au Congo belge. Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 12: 433-529

Hissette J (1932) Rapport du Docteur Hissette de Thielen-Saint-Jacques. Bulletin de l’Aide Médicale aux Mission 4: 32-33

Hissette J (1933) L’onchocercose oculaire au Congo Belge. Voyage de prospection chez les Babindi, septembre 1930 (à suivre). Bulletin de l’Aide Médicale aux Missions 4: 72-75 (1932) ; 5: 14-17, 42-45

Hissette J (1933) Analogies cliniques entre les onchocercoses américaine et africaine. Bull Méd Katanga 10: 71-83

Hissette J (1937) Onchocercose oculaire. Mém Inst Roy Colon Belge, Sect Sci Nat Méd Suppl 5: 1-120

Hissette J (1938) Les complications oculaires de la rougeole pendant l’épidémie de la région de M’Pweto en 1937. Bull Méd Katanga 15: 11-19

Hissette J (1938) Ocular onchocerciasis. (Part II) Am J Trop Med Suppl 18: 58-90


Secondary literature

Aziz MA, Diop IM, Diallo S, Larivière M, Porta M (1982) Efficacy and tolerance of ivermectin in human onchocerciasis. Lancet 320: 171-173

Bandi C, Anderson TJC, Genchi C, Blaxter ML (2001) The Wolbachia endosymbionts of filarial nematodes. In: Parasitic Nematodes, molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology (eds: Kennedy MW, Harnett W) p 25-43. CAB International, Wallingford - New York

van den Berghe L (1936) Note préliminaire sur la localisation extraoculaire de Onchocerca volvulus chez l’homme. Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 16: 549-551

Blacklock D B (1926) The development of Onchocerca volvulus in Simulium damnosum. Ann Trop Med Parasit 20: 1-48

Blacklock D B (1926) The further development of Onchocerca volvulus Leuckart in Simulium damnosum Theobald. Ann Trop Med Parasit 20: 203-218

Blacklock DB (1927) The insect transmission of Onchocerca volvulus (Leuckart 1893), the cause of worm nodules in man in Africa. Br Med J 1: 129-133

Brumpt E (1919) Une nouvelle filaire pathogène parasite de l’homme (Onchocerca caecutiens, n.sp.). Bull Soc Path Exot 12: 464-473

Brumpt E (1920) Au sujet des rapports entre l’Onchocerca volvulus et la gâle filarienne. Bull Soc Path Exot 13: 535-539

Brumpt E (1920) Discussion of Montpellier & Lacroix on J. O’Neill. Bull Soc Path Exot 13: 314-315

Bryant J (1935) Endemic retino-chorioiditis in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and its possible relationship to Onchocerca volvulus. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 28: 523-532

Budden FH (1963) Comparative study of ocular onchocerciasis in savannah and rain forest. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 57: 64-70

Büttner DW, Laer Gv, Mannweiler E, Büttner M (1982) Clinical, parasitological and serological studies on onchocerciasis in the Yemen Arab Republic. Tropenmed Parasit 33: 201-212

Choyce DP (1958) Some observations on the ocular complications of onchocerciasis and their relationship to blindness. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 52: 112-121

De Laey A (1965) In memoriam Jean Hissette 1888-1965. Ann. Soc. Belge Méd. Trop. 45: 605-606

Dubois A, Forro M (1939) Contribution à l’étiologie de l’éléphantiasis congolais. Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 19: 13-21

Duke B.O (1968) The effects of drugs on Onchocerca volvulus. I. Methods of assessment, population dynamics of the parasite and the effects of diethylcarbamazine. Bull World Health Org 39: 137-146

Fawdry AL (1957) Onchocerciasis in South Arabia. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 51: 253-256

Fülleborn F (1907) Übertragung von Filariakrankheiten durch Mücken. Arch Schiffs-Trop Hyg 11: 635-643

Fülleborn F (1923) Kommt “Küsten-Erysipel” und Onchocerca caecutiens außer in Guatemala auch in Mexiko vor? Arch Schiffs-Trop Hyg 27: 386-390

Fülleborn F (1925) The „blinding filaria“ of Guatemala (Onchocerca caecutiens, Brumpt 1919). In: Proc Int Con Health Prob Trop Coun, United Fruit Com, Boston 1924. p 241-255; abstracted in: Trop Diseases Bull 22: 484

Garnham PC, McMahon JP (1947) The eradication of Simulium neavei Roubaud, from an onchocerciasis area in Kenya Colony. Bull Entomolog Res 37: 619-628

Gerste RD (2005) Ein belgischer Ophthalmologe entdeckte den Erreger der Flussblindheit. Ärzte Zeitung, 14.12.2005

Grove DJ (1990) A history of human Helminthology. CAB International, Wallingford

Hassold HG (2005) Ein Pionier der Augenmedizin, Rezension. Der Überblick 02/05: 71

Henry MC, Maertens K, Janssens PG. Jean Hissette (1992) Profil d’un ophtalmologue tropical. La voie de la découverte de l’onchocercose oculaire africaine. Bull Séanc Acad Roy Sci Outre-Mer 37: 633-644

Hissette LF (1968-1969) À propos de la porte de l’église de Signeulx et des Hisette, fondeurs de fer, serruriers et mécaniciens à Gand. Le Pays gaumais. La Terre et les Hommes (Ed. du Musée gaumais, A.S.B.L., Virton). Revue régionale 150-175

Hoerauf A, Volkmann L, Hamelmann C, Adjei O, Autenrieth IB, Fleischer B, Büttner DW (2000) Endosymbiotic bacteria in worms as targets for a novel chemotherapy in filariasis. Lancet 355: 1242-1243

Hoerauf A, Mand S, Adjei O, Fleischer B, Büttner DW (2001) Depletion of Wolbachia endobacteria in Onchocerca volvulus by doxycycline and microfilaridermia after ivermectin treatment. Lancet 357: 1415-1416

Hoerauf A, Pfarr K (2007) Wolbachia Endosymbionts: An Achilles’ heel of filarial nematodes. In: Wolbachia: A bug’s life in another bug (eds Hoerauf A, Rao RU). Issues Infect Dis 5: 31-51. 

Hoffmann E, Halberstädter L (1909) Histologische Untersuchungen einer durch Filaria volvulus erzeugten subkutanen Wurmgeschwulst. Virchows Arch Path Anat Physiol Klin Med 196: 84-91

van Hoof L, Henrard C, Peel E, Wanson M (1947) Sur la chimiothérapie de l’onchocercose (Note préliminaire). Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 27: 173-177

Kershaw WE, Duke BO, Budden FH (1954) Distribution of microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus in the skin. Its relation to the skin changes and to eye lesions and blindness. Br Med J Sep 1954; 2: 724-729

Kluxen G (1980) Augenheilkunde deutscher Tropenärzte vor 1918. Düsseldorfer Arbeiten zur Geschichte der Medizin (Hrsg. H. Schadewaldt). Triltsch, Düsseldorf

Kluxen G (1999) Kongo: Jean Hissette und die Entdeckung der afrikanischen Flussblindheit. Zeitschr Prakt Augenheilkd 20: 449-454

Kluxen G (2000) Jean Hissette und die Entdeckung der afrikanischen Flussblindheit, die vor 1930 in Afrika noch unbekannt war. Nuntia I Julius-Hirschberg-Ges S. 16-18

Kluxen G (2002) Vision 2020: 100 Jahre Flussblindheit. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilkd. 219: 149-155

Kluxen G (2004) Harvard African Expedition in 1934. Abstract. 102. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin

Kluxen G (2004) Helminthologen auf den Spuren von Onchocerca volvulus. Zeitschr Prakt Augenheilkd 25: 71-78

Kluxen G (2005) Dr. Jean Hissette und die Harvard Expedition 1934. Books on Demand, Norderstedt

Kluxen G (2007) Frühe Darstellungen bei Filariosen des Menschen. Abstract. 105. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin

Kluxen G (2009) Onchozerkose anhand von Originalbefunden des Dr. Jean Hissette. Nuntia II Julius-Hirschberg-Ges S. 27-34

Kluxen G (2010) Entdeckung der okulären Onchozerkose in Afrika und Mittelamerika. Mitteil. Julius-Hirschberg-Ges. zur Geschichte der Augenheilkunde 7/2005: 83-111

Kluxen G (2010) Ophthalmologische Ausrüstung des ersten Ophthalmologen im Kongo. Nuntia I Julius-Hirschberg-Ges  S. 14-24

Kluxen G (2010) Simulium hissetteum. Nuntia II Julius-Hirschberg-Ges S. 25-40

Kluxen G (2011) Dr. Jean Hissette’s research expeditions to elucidate river blindness. Kaden, Heidelberg

Kluxen G, Hoerauf A (2008) The significance of some observations on African ocular onchocerciasis described by Jean Hissette (1888-1965). Bull. Soc. belge Ophtalmol. 307: 53-58

Manson P (1891) Geographical distribution of Filaria sanguinis hominis diurna and of Filaria sanguinis hominis perstans. Transactions 7th Int Congr Hygiene and Demogr. London 1: 79 ff (1893), zit. Lacompte (1894), Duke-Elder (1965)

Manson P (1893) Diseases of the skin in tropical climates; Filaria volvul(x)us. In: Hygiene and diseases of warm climates (ed: Davidson AH) p 963-1016. Pentland, London, zit. Grove (1990)

Mazzotti L (1948) Posibilidad de utilizar como medio diagnóstico auxiliar en la oncocercosis, las reacciónes alérgicas consecutivas a la administración del ‘Hetrazán’. Revista del Instituto de Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales, México 9: 235-237; abstracted in Trop Diseases Bull 46: 656 (1949)

Mazzotti L, Hewitt R (1948) Tratamiento de la oncocercosis por el cloruro de
1-dietilcarbamil-4-metilpiperazina (Hetrazán). Médicina, México 28: 39-42

Montpellier J, Deguillon, Lacroix A (1920) La gâle filarienne est-elle bien une manifestation de volvulose? Bull Soc Path Exot 13: 530-535

Montpellier J, Lacroix A (1920) Le Craw-Craw ou la gâle filarienne. Son origine dans les kystes sous-cutanées à Onchocerca volvulus. Bull Soc Path Exot 13: 305-315

Montpellier J, Lacroix A (1920) Sur une nouvelle dermatose d’origine filarienne observée sur les contingents noirs (Gâle filarienne). Presse Médicale 28: 607-609

O’Neill J (1875) On the presence of a filarial in “craw-craw”. Lancet 105: 265-266

Ochoterena I (1928) Contribución para el conocimiento de la onchocercosis en México. In: Festschrift Bernhard Nocht 1927 (Hrsg: Friederichsen) Hamb Univ Abh Auslandskd 26: 386-389

Ouzilleau F (1913) L’éléphantiasis et les filarioses dans le M’Bomou (Haut-Oubangui). Rôle de la Filaria volvulus. Ann Hyg Méd Col 16: 307-321, 688-709

Ouzilleau F, Laigret, Lefrou (1921) Contribution à l’étude de l’Onchocerca volvulus. Bull Soc Path Exot 14: 717-728

Pacheco Luna R (1918) Disturbances of vision in patients harbouring certain filarial tumors. Am J Ophthalmol 1: 122-125

Railliet A, Henry A C (1910) Remarques à l’occasion de la note de M. le Dr. Antoine. Bull Soc Path Exot 3: 91-93

Ridley NHL (1945) Ocular Onchocerciasis, including an investigation in the Gold Coast. Br J Ophthalmol 29 (Suppl 10): 1-58

Roberts JM, Neumann E, Göckel CW, Highton RB (1967) Onchocerciasis in Kenya 9, 11 and 18 years after elimination of the vector. Bull World Health Org 37: 195-212

Robles R (1917) Enfermedad nueva en Guatemala. La Juventud Médica 17: 97-115

Robles R (1919) Onchocercose humaine au Guatémala produisant la cécité et ‘l’érysipèle du littoral’ (Erisipela de la costa). Bull Soc Path Exot 12: 442-463

Saint André Av, Blackwell NM, Hall LR, Hoerauf A, Brattig NW, Volkmann L, Taylor MJ, Ford L, Hise AG, Lass JH, Diaconu E, Pearlman E (2002) The role of endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria in the pathogenesis of river blindness. Science 295: 1892-1895

Sorsby A (1939) Choroidal angio-sclerosis with special reference to its hereditary character. Br J Ophthalmol 23: 433-444

Strong RP (1938) Onchocerciasis in Africa and Central America. (Part I) Am J Trop Med Suppl 18: 1-57

Theobald FV (1903) Report on a collection of mosquitoes and other flies from Equatorial East Africa and the Nile provinces of Uganda. In: Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission No. III, Chap.7 (ed: Royal Society) p 40. Harrison, London

Torroella JL (1931) Nota sobre la observación de microfilarias de Onchocerca in vivo en el ojo humano. An Soc Méx Oft Otorrin 9: 87-88

Trojan H (2005) Die Harvard Expedition 1934 in den Kongo. Historisches Filmmaterial zur Entdeckung der Onchozerkose. Augenspiegel 51 (3): 50-51

Woodruff AW, Barnley GR, Hooland JT, Jones DE, McCrae AWR, McLaren DS (1963) Onchocerciasis and the eye in Western Uganda. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 57: 50-63


Harvard African Expedition of 1934 (original)

Six reels of 35 mm safety film B & W (total film running time = 54.2 minutes) from this Harvard African Expedition have just been found in archives of the Harvard University Medical School. These films are transferred to DV CAM (Digital Video); scenes were identified with the aid of the notes made by Richard Pearson Strong.

Kluxen G.: Harvard African Expedition of 1934 / Dr.Jean Hissette. Ophthalmologia Belgica Brussels 2004 (14 minutes)

Completely remade in 2004 from the original film: Harvard African Expedition of 1934

Hissette’s own original film material

Since about 1935, the material had been thought to be lost but not long ago it turned up as a VHS-video (running time = 30 minutes) and finally only the original celluloid film itself remains missing. This old celluloid film material had been recorded with two different early hand-cranked movie cameras. One was a heavy Zeiss camera with an axial optic for image control and the other one was a lightweight AGFA Box with an image control via an optic through a magnifier viewed from above with the camera held at waist level.

Kluxen G.: Dr. Jean Hissette’s Research Expeditions to Elucidate River Blindness, Kaden 2011 (10 minutes). This film has been completely remade in 2010 using Hissette’s own celluloid material from ~ 1935 as well as material from the film ”Harvard African Expedition of 1934“, Archives of the Harvard University Medical School, followed by a short presentation of a focal TV program from Belgium in 2005 (TV Lux).

This film is presented on DVD in the annexe to the book (same name), Kaden 2011.

This film has been separated in five parts and part I can be viewed by clicking the movie button (see Video).